Various links and handouts that will help guide you through Chem346.
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A refresher hour on Calculus can be found here.
A short textbook on Calculus for the physical sciences can be downloaded here.
Module Specific Handouts. Heading link
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution (weeks 1-2):
Notes on that Erf(x) identity derivation.
Powerpoint on 3D integrals.
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution: Probability distribution engineering.
Plank Distribution (week 3):
The class PowerPoint presentation on counting photon modes.
Quantum Mechanics examples (weeks 4-8):
Reflection: The Wall Barrier Problem. A short video on quantum waves hitting walls!
Tunneling: The Finite Barrier Problem. A short video on quantum particles tunneling through!
Particle in a Box: The Finite Box Problem.
A short introduction to quantum dots (particles in boxes!).
A video on HCl gas becoming vibrationally excited with IR light.
Uncertainty: Position and Momentum. A PowerPoint of the same.
Multidimensional and Rotational Quantum (week 9):
Slides for class on multidimensional wavefunctions.
A handout on separability for a particle-in-a-round-box is here.
A video on solving the full 2D rigid rotor Hamiltonian is here.
A powerpoint with some spherical harmonics.
The Hydrogen Atom (week 10):
P and D orbitals.
A video on the excitation of the ground state of hydrogen to the 1st excited 2pz state! Another with polarization dependence!
A video on time evolving superposition states.
Another video showing stimulated emission from an excited 2p state to the ground state. This is how lasers work.
Here is a power point on Hamiltonian diagonalization.
Spectroscopy and Kinetics (finale of the course)
A video of water normal modes is here.
An example of a rotational, vibrational, and Raman spectrum.